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48 Top Inventory and Asset Management Resources for Schools and Educators

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Public schools districts, private schools, and higher education institutions have a responsibility to manage their inventory and assets appropriately, because there are so many stakeholders involved. These educational institutions receive funding, tuition, and other endowments that make them especially accountable to those stakeholders.

More importantly, these institutions fall under the governance of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) standards or the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) standards, and complying with the standards is critical to their ongoing operations.

Because inventory management and asset management are so important to educational institutions, schools and the educators employed by them should be aware of the best practices associated with inventory and fixed assets. To help those schools and educators become more informed about inventory and asset management, we have rounded up our top picks for inventory and asset management resources. Our top inventory and asset management resources for schools and educators are made available by industry leaders and experts in the field, so that educational institutions can be assured they are getting the most accurate and up-to-date information.

We’ve also rounded up our top picks for inventory and asset management tools and software solutions, so that educational institutions can choose those that are best suited to their needs and begin streamlining and automating inventory and asset management on their campuses. Whether you are in charge of tracking textbooks or lab chemicals, or maintaining and servicing school vehicles and equipment, you’re sure to find some useful information, tips, and tools among the following inventory and asset management resources and tools.

4 Tips on Becoming a Better Buyer for Your School Lunch Program


1. 4 Tips on Becoming a Better Buyer for Your School Lunch Program

Gordon Food Service has delivered the quality products school districts need in order to design successful food operations for more than 115 years. Their inventory management article, 4 Tips on Becoming a Better Buyer for Your School Lunch Program, is a resource for food service directors who are concerned with watching their bottom line and determining the best way to spend their entitlement monies.
Three key tips we like from 4 Tips on Becoming a Better Buyer for Your School Lunch Program:

  • Consult with food service distributors who have answers to USDA spending questions and can help food service directors maximize their money
  • Compare delivery and storage fees, especially if you are located in a state that charges fees to store USDA products when schools don’t have enough space to store thousands of pounds of food
  • Consider freshness when ordering food to be delivered a month or more ahead of time
How to Implement Best Practices for School Technology Asset Tracking

Cost: FREE
2. How to Implement Best Practices for School Technology Asset Tracking

Jason Sentell, product marketing manager at Wasp Barcode Technologies, is an expert in inventory management best practices for small businesses. He offers guidance for school districts looking to implement best practices in technology asset tracking in this inventory and asset management article. As Sentell points out, schools are under fire because of tech equipment losses, so they must adopt best practices to help them avoid errors due to asset management.
Three key tips we like from How to Implement Best Practices for School Technology Asset Tracking:

  • Excel-based manual asset tracking systems are time consuming and unreliable
  • Manual asset tracking is slow, confusing, and error prone, plus it results in a lack of accountability
  • Best practices for asset tracking include automated, barcode-based data entry, centralized asset data, user tracking accountability, and mobile inventory scanning
5 Real Solutions for Managing Tablets and iPads in Schools

Cost: FREE
3. 5 Real Solutions for Managing Tablets and iPads in Schools

T.H.E. Journal seeks to transform education through technology. They also seek to offer practical solutions for school districts looking to manage tablets and iPads with their inventory and asset management article, 5 Real Solutions for Managing Tablets and iPads in Schools. Specifically, writer David Raths shares tips from school district technology leaders who are responsible for tablet deployments.
Three key tips we like from 5 Real Solutions for Managing Tablets and iPads in Schools:

  • Automate iPad tracking because using Excel spreadsheets and completing the process manually is labor intensive
  • Involve IT personnel in tracking iPads and tablets
  • Schools need to have a system in place for tracking damage and updates to iPads and tablets
LA Schools Audit Finds Hundreds of Computers Stolen Missing Thousands Unaccounted For

Cost: FREE
4. LA Schools’ Audit Finds Hundreds of Computers Stolen, Missing; Thousands Unaccounted For

When news broke that Las Angeles school computers were missing or unused, outrage ensued. The issue seemed to boil down to the school system’s poor inventory controls and inaccurate records. Learning from districts that have a lack of inventory management is important for other schools and educators, making this article a valuable resource.
Three key points we like from LA Schools’ Audit Finds Hundreds of Computers Stolen, Missing; Thousands Unaccounted For:

  • Districts must have a complete, adequate, and centralized inventory record of all of its computers
  • District officials must track who receives devices and when they transfer to different schools or employees
  • Physical inventories are essential to school operations
5 Tips to Streamline Parts Inventory Management

Cost: FREE
5. 5 Tips to Streamline Parts Inventory Management

School bus maintenance is another important aspect of school inventory and asset management, as this article from School Bus Fleet Magazine points out. Having a streamlined process in place when school buses break down or need maintenance ensures tat the fleet keeps running throughout the school year.
Three key points we like from 5 Tips to Streamline Parts Inventory Management:

  • Adopt a barcoding and scanning system to track parts and make the reordering process more efficient
  • Practice good housekeeping of inventory areas, including replacing worn barcode labels, to keep them running smoothly and to optimize resources
  • Track pricing and work with vendors to stock standard parts so that your inventory contains the dealer-only and specialized parts that you need to access frequently
Book em

Cost: FREE
6. Book ’em

Tracking textbooks is a key element of inventory and asset management for schools and educators. In this inventory management article, district-wide administrator of the Destiny Textbook Manager from Follett Systems Wendy Zirkin explains how textbook tracking saves her time and money.
Three key points we like from Book ’em:

  • Tracking systems simplify the process of adding used books to new or consolidated schools
  • Barcodes on textbooks make it simple to track how many books are in each school, whether they are being used, and which books are assigned to students
  • Textbook inventory management systems record fines assessed and damaged or lost books, aiding in the collection of lost-book fees and helping schools’ bottom lines
An Asset Management Plan Can Help Modernize Public School Facilities

Cost: FREE
7. An Asset Management Plan Can Help Modernize Public School Facilities

GenesisSolutions offers maintenance and asset management services and work to help their clients identify and implement procedures for enhancing asset reliability and increasing capacity while reducing maintenance costs and extending asset lifecycle. Their asset management article, An Asset Management Plan Can Help Modernize Public School Facilities, explores the reasons that public school districts especially benefit from asset management programs.
Three key points we like from An Asset Management Plan Can Help Modernize Public School Facilities:

  • Public schools often operate with tight budgets that result in asset managers needing to ensure maximum asset lifecycle and minimum costs
  • Asset management systems help building managers who are responsible for updating building technologies and making decisions about lifecycle costing, maintenance schedules, and alternative courses of action
  • Schools mitigate risks associated with technology initiatives by investing in asset tracking systems
Tools for Schools Asset Management in Academia

Cost: FREE
8. Tools for Schools: Asset Management in Academia

Smartware Group focuses on maintenance professionals and offers maintenance and safety solutions that are simple, yet powerful. They also offer Tools for Schools: Asset Management in Academia, an inventory and asset management article that describes the needs school districts face for asset management solutions, as they atop tablets, e-Readers, online learning platforms, and remote classrooms that require local energy storage, electric vehicle chargers, and other similar solutions.
Three key points we like from Tools for Schools: Asset Management in Academia:

  • It is difficult for educators, technology managers, and maintenance staff members to manage assets in addition to their traditional daily tasks
  • Asset check-in and check-out processes should be documented to protect assets against theft and damage, but that can result in giving IT and other staff members extra work
  • Software solutions and asset management tools help keep technology devices operational for students while reducing costs for districts

Cost: FREE
9. GASB and FASB

The National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) represents business and finance professionals from more than 2,100 colleges and universities and promotes sound business and finance strategies. Because colleges and universities are responsible for meeting GASB and FASB accounting standards, as are other educational institutions, NACUBO shares an informative article that offers a “crash course on the standards and their significance for campuses.”
Three key facts we like from GASB and FASB:

  • GASB statement 34, “Basic Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis for State and Local Governments,” and 35, “Basic Financial Statements and Management’s Discussion and Analysis for Public Colleges and Universities,” contain accounting and reporting mandates for educational institutions
  • GASB impacts colleges and universities’ deposits, adoption of FASB guidance in terms of depreciation, Pell grants, nonexchainge transactions, the financial reporting model, and more
  • While GASB standards center on accountability, FASB exists to help investors and creditors make decisions
Lab Cleanout Inventory

Cost: FREE

Guides, Case Studies, and White Papers

10. Lab Cleanout Inventory

Inventory management for schools and educators especially is important in terms of science classrooms and labs. The Florida Department of Education offers its Lab Cleanout Inventory, a guide on lab inventory management for schools. The resource guides school officials and educators through completing a chemical inventory, including deciding how to complete the process, procedures to follow, and more.
Three key ideas we like from Lab Cleanout Inventory:

  • Schools should create and maintain a chemical inventory to help plan for the cost of removing unwanted chemicals
  • Lab inventories also provide schools with information on adequate storage, handling, and purchasing procedures
  • Develop a detailed inventory of all unwanted chemicals that are not suitable or allowable for disposal in local landfills or sewer systems
Efficient Inventory Management through Ordering and Receiving

Cost: FREE
11. Efficient Inventory Management through Ordering and Receiving

PrimeroEdge offers a solution for schools to provide nutritious meals, operate efficiently, and better serve their students, parents, and communities. Their inventory management resource is a guide for establishing an efficient inventory management system that includes ordering and receiving best practices. The guide encourages food service directors to look at all of the forms of financial assets that are involved in nutrition and food programs.
Three key points we like from Efficient Inventory Management through Ordering and Receiving:

  • First-In, First Out (FIFO) inventory flow helps schools to ensure their inventory fully turns over in a reasonable amount of time and reduces food spoilage and waste
  • Schools without storage facilities may need to practice just-in-time ordering, but they face the difficulties of vendors being unable to deliver items in the correct time frame and not having enough inventory on hand to cover delayed deliveries and other unexpected situations
  • One of the most important inventory practices for schools is to ensure that the unit price recorded for items matches the quote
Inventory Tracking Best Practices from Oxford University

Cost: FREE
12. Inventory Tracking Best Practices from Oxford University

Wasp Barcode manufactures efficiency solutions for small businesses, and they understand inventory management. Their inventory management resource, Inventory Tracking Best Practices from Oxford University, is a case study on how Oxford University uses inventory management tracking technology to track and maintain nearly 30,000 phones.
Three key points we like from Inventory Tracking Best Practices from Oxford University:

  • Manual inventory tracking often contains mistakes in 1 out of 10 barcodes, is time consuming, and is consistently out of date
  • Effective inventory management makes use of the best tracking technology, includes automated entry to ensure less human error, and includes information that is updated in real time
  • Inventory systems used with barcode labels help educational institutions to achieve robust stock control systems while knowing what to reorder and where items are located
Securing School Equipment

Cost: FREE
13. Securing School Equipment

Securing School Equipment is an inventory management white paper put out by the New York City Department of Education and the United Federation of Teachers (UFT) to offer tips for ensuring desktop and laptop computers and other technology devices are kept safe and secure in New York City schools. The white paper contains tips for deliveries, inventory, storage and distribution, usage and collection, and guidance for handling missing or stolen items.
Three key tips we like from Securing School Equipment:

  • Equipment must contain a serial number or other ID number for inventory lists
  • Inventory should be conducted after long holidays, in addition to the beginning and end of the school year
  • Physical inventory must be conducted by April 15 of each year
Managing the Money on the Pantry Shelves Inventory Management for Your Child Nutrition Program

Cost: FREE
14. Managing the Money on the Pantry Shelves: Inventory Management for Your Child Nutrition Program

Meals Plus offers a suite of software for school cafeteria management in K-12 schools. Their inventory management white paper, Managing the Money on the Pantry Shelves: Inventory Management for Your Child Nutrition Program, explains that inventory management must be a priority for schools because as much as 40-46% of child nutrition program revenues are spent on food each year.
Three key topics we like from Managing the Money on the Pantry Shelves: Inventory Management for Your Child Nutrition Program:

  • Procurement
  • Ordering and receiving
  • Food cost and turnover rates
Seven Questions Every District Should Ask about Asset and Inventory Management Solutions

Cost: FREE with email registration
15. Seven Questions Every District Should Ask About Asset & Inventory Management Solutions

CrossTec Corporation offers software solutions for IT security, education technology, enterprise network, and help desks. They present Seven Questions Every District Should Ask About Asset & Inventory Management Solutions, an inventory management white paper, which highlights the need for automated asset management in schools.
Three key points we like from Seven Questions Every District Should Ask About Asset & Inventory Management Solutions:

  • Systems for tracking and managing software and hardware assets save technology coordinators and district IT departments time and money
  • Asset management systems have several benefits including managing software license compliance to prevent licensing penalties, locating and helping to deter asset drift, conducting more efficient audits, optimizing hardware and software usage, and more
  • Asset and inventory management systems automate processes such as managing licenses, finding relocated PCs, locating available IT rescues, and preventing theft
The US Food Waste Challenge Team Up Best Practices for Maximizing Your Food Resources

Cost: FREE

Videos, Presentations, and Webinars

16. The U.S. Food Waste Challenge – Team Up: Best Practices for Maximizing Your Food Resources

This inventory management video is presented by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service. The USDA Food and Nutrition Service works to effectively and efficiently and hunger and improve nutrition in America. The video is a summary of a presentation made by Pamela Quisenberry of the National Food Service Management Institute at the University of Mississippi and Dr. Jeannie Sneed of the Center for Excellence in Food Safety in Child Nutrition Programs at Kansas State University. The video examines how schools can reduce food waste with proper inventory management.
Three key points we like from The U.S. Food Waste Challenge – Team Up: Best Practices for Maximizing Your Food Resources:

  • Reducing waste and saving money begins at the back of the house through inventory management practices
  • Food loss in schools requires active managerial control from planning and purchasing, to receiving and storing, to producing and serving
  • One component of inventory management for school cafeterias is ensuring that food is sorted at the proper temperature
GASB 34 35 101 The Basics

Cost: FREE
17. GASB 34/35 101 (The Basics)

The University of North Carolina holds an annual UNC Financial Systems Conference covering topics such as budgeting, capital projects, contracts, and more. Their 2013 conference featured a presentation on GASB 34 and 35 by Ron Sanders and Laura Williams of UNC Charlotte. The presentation includes information on how universities and educational institutions can prepare for and comply with the GASB standards, which include inventory and asset management reporting.
Three key facts we like from GASB 34/35 101 (The Basics):

  • GASB 34 requires the reporting of government-wide financial activity on accrual basis, in addition to fund statements
  • GASB 34/35 means new financial statements for educational institutions
  • Major GASB 34/35 reporting changes include reporting capital assets, including depreciation and infrastructure
Managing Textbook Inventory to Lower Costs and Support Student Success

Cost: FREE
18. Managing Textbook Inventory to Lower Costs and Support Student Success

Cisco WebEx is a source for remote work collaboration. Because school districts and educational institutions have buildings in various locations, it can be difficult to conduct inventory and asset management processes efficiently. WebEx’s inventory management webinar for schools and educators, Managing Textbook Inventory to Lower Costs and Support Student Success, addresses the challenges of textbook inventory management and demonstrates how schools can efficiently track textbook inventory to bring costs under control. This on-demand webinar is one hour in length.
Three key topics we like from Managing Textbook Inventory to Lower Costs and Support Student Success:

  • Implementing textbook management processes for the first time
  • Organizing barcoding efforts for efficiency
  • Establishing accountability and recouping the costs of lost textbooks
Six Asset Inventory Challenges Facing K12 Education

Cost: FREE with email registration
19. Six Asset Inventory Challenges Facing K-12 Education

Hayes Software Systems offers inventory control solutions for K-12 administration, including textbook management, one-to-one device management, IT asset management, and more. That’s why they are a trustworthy resource when it comes to understanding asset and inventory management in K-12 schools. Their inventory and asset management webinar, Six Asset Inventory Challenges Facing K-12 Education, explains how school districts successfully overcome “six critical asset challenges that affect initiative effectiveness and staff satisfaction.”
Three key topics we like from Six Asset Inventory Challenges Facing K-12 Education:

  • Increasing data accuracy for decision making by conducting physical audit processes
  • Reducing paper processes by joining enterprise class systems
  • Mitigating risks by increasing accountability
SchoolDude InventoryDirect

Cost: FREE, with email registration

Tools and Software Solutions

20. SchoolDude InventoryDirect

SchoolDude has been “the #1 provider of software solutions for educational facilities and technology professionals since 1999.” Their inventory management software, SchoolDude InventoryDirect, is a cloud-based inventory management software solution that tracks all inventory transactions for schools. InventoryDirect helps schools streamline the process of requesting, ordering, and tracking school supplies and tools and then allocating supplies for upcoming work requests, to save schools time and money.
Key Features:

  • May be combined with SchoolDude’s corrective maintenance solution for issuing and charging inventory to work orders or SchoolDude’s preventive maintenance solution for planning stock levels for scheduled recurring maintenance tasks
  • Manages inventory by category types and allows inventory to be issued to a location, project, person, or work order
  • Tracks all material transactions and assigns stock pools to see which items are low and need to be replenished
  • End-users have the ability to make online requests, and then sends email notifications to end-users with approvals, denials, or back order notices

Cost: Contact for a quote
21. IntelliTrack

IntelliTrack Software helps schools manage inventory and assets, including anything that can be tagged or barcoded. In fact, educational institutions choose IntelliTrack for their inventory management needs because the software solution makes it possible to track textbooks, AV equipment, computers, and school supplies. This barcode tracking software tracks school resources for school districts, universities, and colleges.
Key Features:

  • Track AV and technology equipment including laptops, computers, and more by location, person, and date
  • Track daily supply inventory to know where items are and when to order more
  • Monitor maintenance supplies and consumable items
  • Categorie and track inventory automatically with barcode labels
Impero Education Pro Inventory Management Software

Cost: FREE trial available; Contact for a quote
22. Impero Education Pro Inventory Management

Impero Software supplies the global EdTech sector with software for productive classrooms, supported networks, and safer students. Their inventory management software, Impero Education Pro, makes it possible for educational institutions to track software and hardware inventory easily and efficiently. This comprehensive network management software suite for schools provides automated inventory checks that save time and make the auditing process much more smooth.
Key Features:

  • Produce detailed hardware and software reports for auditing
  • Match serial numbers to equipment without needing to check manually
  • Automatically update changes to inventory in real time
  • Ensure equipment is up to date and in good condition
  • Easily access the age and state of equipment though a centralized view, to make it easier to replace, refresh, or remove it
ASAP Systems Passport

Cost: FREE trial available; Contact for a quote
23. ASAP Systems’ Passport

ASAP Systems offers a comprehensive inventory and asset tracking system for schools that is enabled by barcode and smartphone technology. ASAP Systems’ Passport delivers automated inventory management and asset tracking to school districts, colleges, and universities. This inventory and asset management system can be configured to fit any school’s specific needs. Passport also has the capability of tracking faculty, staff, lab computer, printers, audio equipment, video equipment, workshop took, materials, and library books with wireless barcode scanners, configurable reporting, check out-in capability, and much more.
Key Features:

  • Schedule asset maintenance
  • Multiple sites
  • Track assets by location, person, serial number, model number, etc.
  • Data import
  • Email and text alerts for inventory management
  • QuickBooks integration
InstrumentLife Synchronized Asset Management

Cost: FREE trail available; Contact for a quote
24. InstrumentLife Synchronized Asset Management

InstrumentLife is a technology suite for schools that need to protect, manage, and track their valuable assets. InstrumentLife offers powerful tools, including the school inventory mobile app with GPS accountability and multi-site asset management, for managing, tracking, and monitoring school-owned assets everywhere they go. Track the school’s inventory, from music and band equipment, to athletic gear, to student laptops, to school furniture with InstrumentLife. InstrumentLife Synchronized Asset Management features iLiD chips and cards for tracking inventory and assets and the iLiD app for use with a smartphone, tablet, or desktop computer.
Key Features:

  • Automatic reports for budgeting and planning
  • Assign responsibility of equipment to staff or students with your smartphone or mobile device
  • Contact and submit repair requests to local repair shops and receive live updates on the repair status using the app
  • Alert the InstrumentLife Security Network of loss or theft and easily access proof of ownership when on the road
EducationStack Inventory Management System Software

Cost: FREE trial available; Contact for a quote
25. EducationStack Inventory Management System Software

An ecosystem to connect students, academics, and staff, EducationStack offers its inventory management system software for efficiently managing school or college inventory. Educational institution administrators can manage all of their school’s inventory with EducationStack Inventory Management System Software.
Key Features:

  • Vendor management allows administrators to add, edit, or delete vendor details in the database
  • Add and maintain a complete list of inventory items
  • Maintain separate purchase and sale lists for efficiently recording transactions as inventory moves from staff to student or student to student
  • Print inventory receipts as items are checked in and out
ChemTracker Software

Cost: FREE
26. ChemTracker

ChemTracker software was developed by Stanford University to provide universities with a fast, powerful reporting and inventory management system for all of the chemicals on their campuses. The inventory management features of ChemTracker allow departments to track materials by container, location, department, or owner and ensures that laboratories and chemistry professors are able to safely track and manage their chemicals in order to meet regulations, be aware of the chemicals and their locations, know the hazards of the present chemicals, and tag chemicals in order to save money and prevent waste.
Key Features:

  • User access to inventory controlled by profile-based chemical owner and location authorizations
  • Locate out of date materials by expiration date
  • Identify surplus materials to reduce waste disposal and purchasing costs
  • Link to building floor plans for one-click access to room inventory lists and hazards
  • Easily determine locations of specific hazards, or all hazards in a particular area
  • Supports barcode use

Cost: Contact for a quote
27. WiseTrack

WiseTrack offers “best of class asset tracking software” for schools. Whether it is used to manage education facility, IT, or lab equipment, WiseTrack is an easy-to-use system for assigning assets to faculty and students with check-out/check-in features and the ability to inventory or move assets with web or mobile devices.
Key Features:

  • Easily manage inventory and assets in multiple classrooms, buildings, or campuses
  • Commercial-grade integration tools for importing/exporting to other systems
  • Confirm inventory using mobile devices with accuracy
  • Hundreds of professional compliance reports included for K-12
  • Track everything from furniture, to vehicles, to IT, to lab equipment

Cost: Contact for a quote
28. MobileAsset.EDU

Wasp Barcode offers MobileAsset.EDU, an exemplary asset tracking system with easy reporting for educational institutions. MobileAsset.EDU checks assets in and out and makes it simple for schools and educators to manage assets by funding source. Reduce capital expenditures, ensure federal grant compliance, increase accountability, and quickly conduct audits with Wasp Barcode’s MobileAsset.EDU.
Key Features:

  • More than 60 pre-built reports
  • Receive notification of overdue checkouts, expiring warranties, scheduled maintenance, and more
  • Ensure 100% asset compliance with quick audits and cycle counts on a mobile computer or iOS or Android device
  • Integrated barcode software to ensure accuracy with barcode labels and asset tags
  • Track specific assets purchased with specific government funds and grants by site, location, serial number, and user


  • MobileAsset.EDU Professional with DT60 & WPL305 (5-user): $3,695
  • MobileAsset.EDU Professional with HC1 & WPL305 (5-user): $4,295
  • MobileAsset.EDU Enterprise with DT60 & WPL305 (unlimited user): $5,695
  • MobileAsset.EDU Enterprise with HC1 & WPL305 (unlimited user): $6,295
TS School Inventory Module

29. TS School Inventory Module

TS School offers basic and comprehensive school management and administration software that is extremely customizable, with 42 available modules. The inventory module is a professional-grade module that offers a complete inventory management solution.
Key Features:

  • Create multiple stores and assign an administrator and front desk member to each
  • Create inventory item lists with assistance from the images module and access full inventory counts, prices, and purchase codes for easy reordering
  • Each inventory item has detailed product information fields, stock dates and counts, reorder levels, and amounts, plus historical accounts
School Softwares

Cost: FREE trial for 30 days
30. School Softwares

School Softwares offers Schools Inventory Management Software to handle various purchases, item issuance, and supply levels. This inventory management software solution offers multiple supplier support and tracks supplier payments in an account voucher. School Softwares’ Schools Inventory Management Software also allows for any level of grouping and item classification in categories and records item check-out and check-in.
Key Features:

  • Paperless inventory management
  • Track inventory levels
  • Supports multiple users
  • Customizable
School Asset Manager

Cost: Contact for a quote
31. School Asset Manager

School Asset Manger is a complete asset management solution for education that utilizes the latest cloud and mobile technology. With asset tags, scanners, document and media storage, network management, and a help desk, School Asset Manager uses a mobile app-driven platform with cloud-hosted online reporting tools to help schools manage their assets while saving time and money.
Key Features:

  • Add assets to the system via the web interface or mobile app or import assets from other systems or spreadsheets
  • Scan and update asset details via the mobile app or the web interface
  • Record and report the asset information that you choose
Redox Educational Institutes Management System

Cost: FREE trial available for 30 days
32. Redox Educational Institutes Management System

Redox Technologies offers Redox Educational Institutes Management System (EIMS), an integrated solution for any size or level of school, from nursery schools to colleges. Redox EIMS is available with a financial accounting and inventory management module package that includes asset management. Redox EIMS is based on JAVA technology and open database standards and protocols.
Key Features:

  • Multiple supplier support
  • Fast, slow, and non-moving item analysis
  • Supports any level of grouping and item classification
  • Report assets and inventory by date, item, department, etc.
PrimaSoft Handy EquipmentTool Manager

Cost: Contact for a quote
33. PrimaSoft Handy Equipment/Tool Manager 

PrimaSoft is a simple database software that offers inventory management solutions for schools. Their Handy Equipment/Tool Manager for Windows is an equipment inventory software for schools, colleges, and universities that allows administrators and other users to easily manage inventories and track school assets of all kinds.
Key Features:

  • Easily manage video, audio, electronic, athletic, tool, and crib inventories
  • Track student, teacher, and employee users
  • Process check-in and check-out transactions
  • Quickly display all outstanding or overdue items
  • Send email reminders and print reminder letters
Parago School Inventory Manager

Cost: FREE trial available; Handy Equipment/Tool Manager pricing begins at $345
34. Parago School Inventory Manager

Parago offers a powerful asset management system that enables educational institutions to automate the processes relating to managing PCs, software, and all fixed and mobile assets. Known for being user friendly, Parago School Inventory Manager offers total asset and inventory visibility and enables administrators and other users to control and manage school assets with a touch of a screen.
Key Features:

  • Search and repot on assets across all schools
  • Run automated reports for auditors
  • Share assets more effectively and avoid purchasing items you already own
  • Helpdesk works with any portal, so staff and students do not need to be system users to log tickets
MiChoice EZTask Inventory Control

Cost: FREE trial available; Contact for a quote
35. MiChoice EZ-Task Inventory Control

MiChoice EZ-Task Inventory Control is a school food service management software tool from MiChoice Technology Systems, Inc. that includes an efficient back office inventory program. This inventory management tool for schools allows child nutrition directors and food service directors to easily track items and quantities, produce food service inventory reports, and effectively manage lunchroom inventory levels.
Key Features:

  • Save time tracking and extending inventory
  • More than 300 inventory/purchase order reports
  • Multi-user client/server perpetual inventory system
  • Periodic physical or perpetual inventory
  • Easily adjust quantity in stock by location
Meals Plus Inventory Management System

Cost: Contact for a quote
36. Meals Plus Inventory Management System

Meals Plus offers a full suite of software for school cafeteria management. The Meals Plus inventory management solution for schools provides a centralized ordering and management system for schools to track commodities, purchased foods, supplies, and more.
Key Features:

  • Fully integrated with menu planning component
  • First-in, first-out valuation method includes all items for an unlimited number of sites
  • Enables electronic ordering
  • Allows for limited item access by site
  • Tracks an unlimited number of user-defined categories, such as USDA, supplies, processed, etc.
  • Reports include item listing, open items/orders, inventory on hand, ending inventory count, and more

Cost: FREE trial available; Contact for a quote
37. AssetTrakker

AssetTrakker by K12USA.com gives schools an easy-to-use, portable, fully-featured web-based asset management system that may be integrated with TroubleTrakkerPRO and WorkTrakkerPRO for added inventory and materials tracking features.
Key Features:

  • Reports allow users to see items they have at a glance and their location
  • Sort items by building, room, category, and more
  • See service and maintenance contracts for equipment
  • Identify items by serial number, asset tag, or other unique identifier


  • FREE with purchase of TroubleTrakkerPRO or WorkTrakkerPRO
  • Contact for a quote, based on the number of students in your district and the subscription length
iMagic Inventory Education and Training Inventory Software

38. iMagic Inventory – Education and Training Inventory Software

iMagic Inventory’s Education and Training Inventory Software is an inventory management solution for universities and colleges. This inventory management software solution helps these educational institutions gain control over educational resource spending and provides a district-wide view of all resources. Inventory and track items such as laptop carts, textbooks, students workbooks, and research materials with iMagic Inventory’s Education and Training Inventory Software and enjoy the benefits of managing fixed assets at a number of campuses and locations.
Key Features:

  • Track all inventory transactions
  • Use barcode labels to track supplies and fixed assets
  • Manage upcoming work requests
  • Track and manage inventory and assets from multiple locations
  • Multi-user access


  • iMagic Inventory – Single User: $249
  • iMagic Inventory – Two Users: $478
  • iMagic Inventory – Three Users: $707
  • iMagic Inventory – Four Users: $936
  • iMagic Inventory –  Five Users: $1,165
  • iMagic Inventory –  Six Users: $1,394
  • iMagic Inventory – Site License: Contact for a quote
IFNOSS InventoryStock Management System

39. IFNOSS Inventory/Stock Management System

IFNOSS provides software for the education industry, and their Inventory/Stock Management System is an inventory management tool for maintaining all records of college inventory. The stock module gives college officials the ability to handle any type of transaction relating to purchase, storage, and issuance of stock items to departments.
Key Features:

  • Master Creation including category/sub-category, items list, and suppliers/vendors list
  • Data entry for goods received, returned, and issued
  • Stock purchase order generation
  • Reports for stock available, stock issued, and stock received/returned

Cost: Contact for a quote
40. TIPWeb-IT

Hayes Software offers inventory control solutions for K-12 administration that is designed specifically for K-12 schools. Their TIPWeb-IT solution is an easy-to-use school asset management tool for K-12 inventory control of mobile and fixed assets across rooms and assigned to staff and students. TIPWeb-IT is a leading solution for inventory control when integrated with barcode technology. Schools are able to track everything from Title I-funded classroom devices to learning devices for one-to-one initiatives with TIPWeb-IT.
Key Features:

  • Track items through their life cycles
  • Issue assets for one-to-one initiatives for increased accountability
  • Access inventory details to have the right data at the right time
  • Conduct real-time mobile audits

Cost: Contact for a quote
41. Foodco

Food Service Solutions, Inc., offers software solutions for the food service industry, including school cafeterias. They offer Foodco, a software solution that focuses on back office inventory, accounting, and production management to maximize school profits.
Key Features:

  • Build an item database for the items you want to track
  • Break down each item based on how you purchase, inventory or issue it, or how you want to compare its cost
  • Builds recipes that cooks understand and that help food service directors determine true costs of recipes

Cost: Contact for a quote

eQuip Enterprise Asset Management System

42. eQuip! Enterprise Asset Management System

eQuip! is easy-to-use, flexible software for managing physical and IT assets. The eQuip! Enterprise Asset Management System is a software solution for educational institutions that hope to manage their assets more efficiently in order to meet their business needs. eQuip! Enterprise Asset Management System is especially helpful for schools that receive federal grants and are required to manage and report the equipment as capital assets or consumables to meet compliance regulations.
Key Features:

  • Maintain a complete, up-to-date list of assets, including furniture, vehicles, and IT assets
  • Facilitate the asset move workflow
  • Schedule maintenance, repair, and issuance of common assets
  • Track the maintenance on capital equipment
  • Manage physical and IT assets to know who has which assets and where
Creatrix Campus Inventory Tracking

Cost: Contact for a quote
43. Creatrix Campus Inventory Tracking

Creatrix Campus Inventory Tracking is an automated inventory management tool that tracks inventory history with barcode scanners and mobile devices. A cloud-based inventory management tool, Creatrix Campus helps educational institutions streamline their inventory processes to make them more efficient. From custom reports to automated notifications and alerts, Creatrix Campus Inventory Tracking helps educational institutions save time and money.
Key Features:

  • Intelligent automation of documents including invoices, packing lists, forms, and reports to ensure inventory is tracked in real time
  • Manage and accurately locate inventory and assets such as equipment, consumables, library resources, and fixed assets using sophisticated identification tools
  • Real-time tracking of inventory and asset location, condition and availability of items, and more from desktops or mobile devices

Cost: Contact for a quote



Accruent LLC offers facilities management software, such as FAMIS, to help educational institutions manage their assets and inventory. FAMIS makes it possible for higher education institutions to automate the preventive, corrective, and predictive maintenance process for assets to ensure effective online facility management and a safe, clean campus.
Key Features:

  • Manage work order lifecycle
  • Integrate maintenance processes
  • Improve visibility for facilities managers so they can be more proactive with maintenance requests  and optimize repair-versus-replace decisions for assets
  • Automate asset preventive maintenance
  • Capture information on various types of inventory items to optimize inventory levels, manage total inventory value, and perform automated replenishment analysis, requisition, and purchasing
Innovative Solution Experts Educational Software Products - Inventory Management System

Cost: Contact for a quote
45. Innovative Solution Experts Educational Software Products – Inventory Management System

Innovative Solution Experts (ISolExperts) offers software solutions for businesses and organizations, such as educational institutions, that are reliable. Their education software solutions are web based and help teachers, administrators, and staff efficiently handle their duties. With a user-friendly interface and wide range of features, ISolExperts’ educational software products include several useful modules, from library management to inventory management.
Key Features:

  • Tracks all inventory received and records items returned and issued
  • Maintains standard inventory cost and supplier information
  • Reconciles physical inventory to book inventory
  • Utilizes both cabled and portable scanners
  • Item images
  • Powerful FIFO, LIFO, average, weighted average, and standard inventory valuation features

Cost: Contact for a quote
46. AudIT

With AudIT, school officials are able to track their assets on the internet or with AudIT Mobile on their smartphones or tablets. This assessment management system is designed specifically for schools and educational institutions and helps administrators by keeping all of their asset information together in a single software solution.
Key Features:

  • Creates a complete asset register for administration, insurance, and financial planning
  • Records all assets, from IT equipment, to computers and software, to furniture, to classroom instruments and teaching aids
  • Control who can add, edit, change, and dispose of assets in the program
  • Access asset information from anywhere with an Internet connection

Cost: FREE trial available; Contact for a quote
47. Booktracks

Book Systems has been providing library automation software for 25 years. Their inventory management system, Booktracks, is for far more than library books; it tracks textbooks, eReaders, tablets, laptops, and other expensive assets. In fact, Booktracks is an inventory and asset manager that tracks textbooks and assets in order to save schools time and money.
Key Features:

  • Streamlines distribution and collection of resources
  • Reduces loss substantially
  • Increases accountability for students and staff
  • Provides access to electronic textbooks
  • Tracks all school devices
Textbook Tracker

Cost: Contact for a quote
48. Textbook Tracker

Schools lose hefty amounts of money due to textbook losses. Textbook Tracker is a textbook inventory management software solution that helps schools reduce textbook losses so they have better control over their bottom line.
Key Features:

  • Easy-to-use, feature-rich textbook management software for Macs and PCs
  • Includes a full complement of reporting features
  • Textbook Tracker WEB gives students and parents the ability to view critical information from home or any web browser
  • Fully customizable and includes instant updates

Cost: Contact for a quote

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