Barcode Labels for Tracking Education Assets
Maximize the efficiency of your education property management with a customized labeling system.
Label and Track Your Education Organization’s Property With Durable Barcode Labels
Tracking campus property such as AV equipment or computers is an essential part of efficient and cost-effective delivery of education. Camcode asset tags are designed for the needs of property managers in educational environments from small elementary schools to large multi-campus universities.
School equipment and supply items are constantly moving and frequently reused, making asset record-keeping quite complicated and potentially time-consuming and costly. Proper asset identification is the foundation of any asset management system.
Explore Our Most Popular Education Asset Labels
Find the most durable, custom-designed education labels and improve the management and tracking of your education assets. Don’t see what you need? Our product development team is on standby to design and build your perfect label.
Labels That Last the Life of Your Assets
Camcode’s serialized asset tags have the durability to last the life of your education items. Our barcode labels integrate seamlessly into the leading education asset tracking software solutions (please ask for our advice if you’re selecting a software solutions provider) and virtually eliminate errors caused by manual data collection, ensuring accurate information. The results are improved asset visibility and reduced asset inventories.
Get a Free Asset Label Evaluation Kit
Request a free asset label sample kit today and we will send you a kit to test our extremely durable labels in your own operating environment.
Discover Insights Into Asset Tracking & Management
Explore our blog, buyer’s guides, specification sheets and more — and start learning more about the complex world of asset tracking. View All Resources ›
Keep Property Management Efficient with Barcode Asset Tracking Tags
If you’re having trouble finding the ideal tracking solution for your project or organization, build it with Camcode. Talk to our team today.