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Metalphoto® Government, Industrial and Defense Certifications & Specifications

UID (Unique Item Identification) Specifications

Department of Defense

Identification Marking of U.S. Military Property


For the PzH2000 assets UID bar coding efforts 2011
Description: Metalphoto anodized photosensitized aluminum or equivalent is recommended UID label material.

Lockheed Martin

Fabrication of UID Nameplates for Aircraft Items
Description: This industry specification details the materials and process approved for Lockheed use in producing UID labels and nameplates for their equipment. Metalphoto is widely cited and specified by Lockheed engineers.

Industry Specifications & Studies

BF Goodrich Aerospace

Data Systems Division
Specification SMT0022

Boeing Commercial Aircraft Company

Boeing Process Specification BAC5875
Fabrication of Aluminum Markers, Instrument Panels, Drawer Front Panels and Fabrication of Metal and Plastic Appliques
Description: The specification for all of Boeing Commercial Airlines governing the materials and process for identification labels.

Honeywell, Inc.

Satellite Systems Operations
Memorandum A3-J024-M-9501786
Laboratory Case 161311
Description: Metalphoto approved for use on Space Station

Naval Surface Warfare Center, Corona Division

Item Unique Identification (IUID) Center
Item Unique Identification Environmental Survivability Testing Report, Independent Assessment of Vendor-Supplied Materials
Description: Unbiased, government-sponsored comparison of IUID label material durability.
Complete test results for Phase I can be found here.
Complete test results for Phase II can be found here.


Technical Paper Series 2000-01-2437

Special requirements for Crew Interface
Labels on the International Space Station
Stephen Gray & Fernando Ramos – Boeing

Norwegian Marine Technology

Research Institute (Marintek)
Description: Extensive and comprehensive corrosion test of anodized aluminum plates including Metalphoto.

U.S. Government Specifications

United States Federal Government

Federal Specification GGP-455B(3)
Type I (Grade A&B) Class 1 or 2
Description: This specification is written specifically for Metalphoto anodized aluminum and covers physical characteristics and performance testing.

United States Federal Government

International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)
Description: A set of US Government regulations that control the import and export of defense products, services, and technologies.

Department of Defense

Anodic Coatings for Aluminum & Aluminum Alloys Type II
Class 1 (unprocessed or clear) Class
2 (processed)

Department of Defense

Standard Practice
Marking of Electronic Items
Description: This standard covers the general requirements for marking of electric items, except marking for shipment and as otherwise specified by an applicable government document covering the item on which the marking appears. These requirements cover both the information to be shown by the marking and the material and processes used therefore.

Department of Defense

Identification of Equipment
Type G – Foil – Type H – Plate
Description: This specification covers the physical characteristics of plates, tags and bands (identification devices) used for identification of equipment. Examples of information to be marked on the identification devices are covered in the applicable specification sheets.

Department of Defense

MIL-P-514 (Etched Aluminum and Photosensitive metal .020″ thick – Cancelled in Feb. 1996) Composition C = Photosensitive metal
Description: This specification covers identification plates, instruction plates, and marking plates for attachment to U.S. Military property.

A-A-50271 (CID replacement for Mil-P-514)

Composition C = Photosensitive metal
Description: This commercial item description covers identification plates for attachment to equipment to provide identification and other miscellaneous data.

Commercial Item Description
A-A-50271 Class 2- Composition C

Department of Defense

Identification Marking of U.S. Military Property
Description: This standard provides the item marking criteria for development of specific marking requirements and methods for identification of items of military property produced, stocked, stored, and issued by or for the Department of Defense. This standard addresses criteria and data content for both free text and machine-readable information (MRI) applications of item identification marking.

Department of Defense

General Specification for Plates
Identification or Instruction, Metal Foil, Adhesive Backed
Description: This specification covers adhesive-backed metal foil identification or instruction plates, herein referred to as identification plates, for use as internal and external equipment identification or instruction (see 6.1).

Department of Navy

Laboratory evaluation of label plate materials and attachment methods considered for use on LPD-17
CARDIVNSWC-TR-62-00-05 June 2000
Description: Laboratory evaluation of label plate materials and attachment methods considered for use on the LPD-17 Craft.


Johnson Space Center Texas

Space Station Inventory Label Specification – SSP 50007
Description: This document includes the introduction, scope, authority, and responsibilities for the management of Inventory Management System (IMS) labels with respect to all of the Space Station elements. This document establishes the IMS label specification and requirements for the ISS Program including International Partners (IPs). The IMS label is used on the interior (pressurized) and exterior (unpressurized) regions of the ISS.


Canadian Standard Association (CSA)

File 111331, Class 7921

File 111331, Class 7923
Description: Canadian approval for adhesive backed Metalphoto products

Underwriter Laboratories

Underwriter Laboratories (UL) Marking and Labeling Systems Program

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