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Best Warehouse Management Presentations and Slide Decks: 50 In-Depth Resources on Streamlining Warehouse Operations, Boosting Productivity, and More

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    Warehouse management requires a great deal of time, responsibility, and knowledge. Staying on top of the latest trends, best practices, and technologies for making their operations run efficiently and cost effectively is a top priority for warehouse management professionals. Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy for warehouse management professionals to find the time to attend conferences and professional gatherings. That’s why we have rounded up some of the top warehouse management presentations and slide decks from industry experts, thought leaders, and warehouse authorities.
    Covering topics such as warehouse layout and planning, lean warehousing principles, management tips, and productivity, the following warehouse management presentations and slide decks contain case studies, strategies, and other helpful information for warehouse management professionals. From inventory and staffing to costs and scanning methods, these resources deliver content that is sure to inspire innovative and creative practices in your warehouse. Please note, we have listed our 50 top warehouse management presentations and slide decks here, in no particular order.
    1. Warehouse Management Best Practices

    A leading social, mobile, analytics, and cloud company, Contus delivers innovative solutions through their products and services for global clients. In Warehouse Management Best Practices, Contus digital marketing executive Meena V explores strategies for warehouse control that increase revenue.
    Three key tips we like from Management Best Practices:

    • Analyze warehouse layout for efficient use of space; consider the low- and high-selling products
    • Avoid mixing several SKUs in one bin
    • Store frequently picked items near the shipping area for quick pickups and dispatch

    2. Cold Storage Warehouse Best Practices: Warehouse Layout Optimization

    Datex is a leading developer of software solutions for the 3PL, cold storage, warehousing, distribution, and manufacturing industries. Datex marketing coordinator Angela Carver presents best practices for cold storage warehouse layout in this SlideShare presentation.
    Three key tips we like from Cold Storage Warehouse Best Practices: Warehouse Layout Optimization:

    • Warehouse design negatively impacts productivity when staff has to travel through inefficient layouts or work in insufficiently designated and marked areas
    • Cold storage facilities that lead the industry in efficiency are divided into functional areas with each zone serving to support operational processes
    • Gather historical and projected volume data using inventory management tool for WMS to determine what the location and size of each zone should be

    3. Benchmarking & Best Practices: Increasing Productivity & Warehouse Efficiency

    The Warehousing Education & Research Council (WERC) is an association of logistics and distribution professionals. At the Consumer Goods Supply Chain Officer Summit in Shanghai, China, WERC CEO Michael Mikitka presented Benchmarking & Best Practices: Increasing Productivity & Warehouse Efficiency to offer a step-by-step description of an ideal approach to benchmarking for warehouse professionals.
    Three key tips we like from Benchmarking & Best Practices: Increasing Productivity & Warehouse Efficiency:

    • Qualitative and quantitative benchmarking should go hand-in-hand
    • Successful benchmarking should include planning, measuring, comparing, and acting steps
    • Begin setting benchmarking priorities by beginning with a vision statement and values

    4. Find Savings in the Warehouse: Five Ways to Discover Supply Chain Cost Savings Through Operations

    UPS connects the world via global trade, sustainability, and logistics. Their warehouse management presentation, available on SlideShare, highlights five ways to uncover cost savings through operations as apart of a comprehensive approach to managing costs in the supply chain.
    Three key tips we like from Find Savings in the Warehouse: Five Ways to Discover Supply Chain Cost Savings through Operations:

    • Labor cost is a major challenge in managing costs, according to 50% of supply chain executives
    • To save costs, reconsider inventory and order management control systems
    • You may save money by reevaluating supply chain security and regulatory compliance costs

    5. Saving Time and Money in Warehouse Operations

    interlinkONE develops software to simplify how organizations engage audiences. In this warehouse management presentation from the MFSA Annual Conference, interlinkONE VP of sales Karen DeWolfe outlines strategies, technologies, tools, and tips to help organizations streamline inventory management and order fulfillment processes.
    Three key tips we like from Saving Time and Money in Warehouse Operations:

    • Look for improvement in online ordering portals, inventory management, and automation and customer service
    • Utilize print on demand to reduce costs in storage, handling, and inventory accounting
    • Constantly analyze the picking process to determine whether the most popular inventory is accessible and to ensure pick tickets send staff on the right path

    6. Trends in Warehouse Automation

    Capgemini Consulting, a firm of transformational consultants that help organizations transition to the digital world, and SAP, a leading provider of business software, teamed up to present case studies and thought leadership in Trends in Warehouse Automation. This warehouse management slide deck was presented at the NAW distribution roundtable.
    Three key tips we like from Trends in Warehouse Automation:

    • Augmented reality solutions often provide a better alternative to handheld devices because they allow workers to scan barcodes using a head-mounted display
    • Innovations in pallet and forklift tracking are improving productivity and inventory accuracy
    • Automated standard fork lifts lower operating costs and labor, reduce maintenance, and improve safety

    7. Supply Chain Transformation – From First to the Last Mile

    In Supply Chain Transformation – From First to the Last Mile, SAP solution management and extended supply chain expert Kris Gorrepati explores market and technology trends that prompt organizations to transform warehouse management and other logistics. Gorrepati also examines how the supply chain has evolved over the past century.
    Three key tips we like from Supply Chain Transformation – From First to the Last Mile:

    • Omni-channel and e-Commerce trends are driving supply chains today
    • Responsive and intelligent order fulfillment solutions provide quicker, more cost-effective alternatives
    • Inventory management requires appropriate inventory positioning and agility

    8. Warehousing and Storage Market in the US 2015-2019

    Technavio provides market research reports that are actionable, strategic, competitive, and customer intelligence-related to leading companies worldwide. Their warehouse management slide deck, Warehousing and Storage Market in the US 2015-2019, shares analysts’ forecasts for the warehousing and storage market that show it growing at a CAGR of 6.93% over the five-year period.
    Three key tips we like from Warehousing and Storage Market in the US 2015-2019:

    • Warehousing and storage in the US is growing because of export activities and increased trade activities
    • Warehouse management executives should understand the key drivers influencing the market, the challenges faced by the market, activities of the stakeholders, and the major trends that will shape the future of the market
    • Key buying criteria include the location and connectivity of the warehouse to the main business facility, cost effectiveness to shippers, warehouse storage capacity, and the value-added services provided by warehouse service providers

    9. 10 Easy-to-Implement Tips to Improve Your Warehouse Management Process

    The Calgary Regional Partnership is a collaborative effort of local municipalities that work together for a prosperous future in the region. They offer tips for improving warehouse management processes, such as creating smaller warehouses within a warehouse, in this slide deck.
    Three key tips we like from 10 Easy-to-Implement Tips to Improve Your Warehouse Management Process:

    • Review your current picking method
    • Use software to sequence orders
    • Create wheelhouse zones in your picking area

    10. Top 7 Tips for Ecommerce Warehouse Management & Order Fulfillment

    Peoplevox builds warehouse management software specifically for e-Commerce and multi-channel retailers, and they share tips specifically for e-Commerce warehouse management in this brief slide deck. Peoplevox founder and CEO Jonathan Bellwood delivered this particular warehouse management presentation at ChannelAdvisor Catalyst.
    Three key tips we like from Top 7 Tips for Ecommerce Warehouse Management & Order Fulfillment:

    • Handle all fulfillment from one system
    • Utilize barcodes to ensure accuracy
    • Filter and prioritize orders

    11. Improve Your Warehouse Productivity: Our Top Ten Tips

    StarTrack, Australia’s trusted freight and logistic provider, works with Australia Post to make delivers easier and better. They seek to help organizations find efficiencies with their top ten tips for improving warehouse management and productivity.
    Three key tips we like from Improve Your Warehouse Productivity: Our Top Ten Tips:

    • Optimize your warehouse floor plan to use your space in a way that ensures optimal efficiency
    • Place highest-selling items in the spot that has the easiest access
    • Change lighting configuration as you change your layout

    12. Greg’s Top Tips for Warehouse Accuracy

    Greg Dow, solution specialist at Edisoft Inc., shares tips for reducing warehouse errors to save time and money in Greg’s Top Tips for Warehouse Accuracy. This slide deck is the white paper version of a presentation Dow prepared to demonstrate some of the most common warehouse design errors and solutions.
    Three key tips we like from Greg’s Top Tips for Warehouse Accuracy:

    • Ensure the legibility of barcodes by considering font size, and consider using optical cues such as punctuation, font changes, underlines, and boxes, in long codes
    • Keep your technology as simple as possible for data entry
    • Match your barcodes to your scanners by accounting for scanning ranges and testing intended readers and scanners with your barcodes before you make a purchase

    13. Improving Warehouse Productivity Without Resorting to Tier 1 Technology

    Commonwealth Supply Chain Advisors provide guidance on the processes, designs, and technologies that improve supply chain performance. Their presentation from the WERC Conference helps warehouse managers answer how to improve warehouse problems without making a large capital investment.
    Three key tips we like from Improving Warehouse Productivity Without Resorting to Tier 1 Technology:

    • Some organizations may find that strategies address their challenges well enough that they don’t need to make a large capital investment in technology
    • It may be better for organizations to focus on mid-tier WMS systems
    • Consider SaaS solutions rather than on-site WMS solutions

    14. Why Benchmark Warehouse Productivity?

    KOMSystems offer advanced supply chain applications. Their warehouse management slide deck examines distribution center productivity benchmarking and explores the benefits of the practice, including uncovering improvement opportunities, increasing profitability, justifying costly operational improvements, identifying industry trends, and enhancing internal productivity monitoring solutions.
    Three key tips we like from Why Benchmark Warehouse Productivity?:

    • When warehouse managers benchmark productivity, they are in a better position to increase profitability and reduce operating costs
    • Productivity benchmarking enables warehouse management to evaluate the impact of best practices and new technology
    • Scrutinize warehouse activities to identify and eliminate inefficiencies

    15. Strategies for Making Your Warehouse More Efficient

    Western Pacific Storage Solutions (WPSS) is a leader in steel shelving and industrial storage solutions. They outline the benefits of maximizing warehouse productivity and offer tips on warehouse shelving and layout in this warehouse management slide deck.
    Three key tips we like from Strategies for Making Your Warehouse More Efficient:

    • Automate inventory control and use barcodes to automatically update inventory
    • Use industrial storage, such as strong, elevated steel shelves and pallet racks and rollers, to provide safe and easy access to products and materials
    • Create an organized order picking system that enables proper workflow

    16. Improve Warehouse Productivity – Business Breakfast Session

    Turnaround Services Global is an Australian business that works to help business leaders around the globe. Improve Warehouse Productivity – Business Breakfast Session is a presentation delivered by Sukesh Ned, Turnaround Services Global general manager, that focuses on optimizing warehouse productivity using several techniques such as industrial engineering, automated processes, staff redeployment, and more.
    Three key tips we like from Improve Warehouse Productivity – Business Breakfast Session:

    • Warehouse managers need to embrace the changing industry landscape in order to remain competitive
    • Understand, observe, and excite customers to enhance value
    • Monitor inventory, optimize safety stocks and reorder quantities, and use ABC/FSN analysis for products in order to reduce inventory costs

    17. Lean Warehousing – Respecting Excellence

    LeanCor is a supply chain partner that specializes in lean principles to deliver operational improvement. LeanCor’s Lean Warehousing – Respecting Excellence presents a case study on cultural development in a distribution environment and is part of their webinar on the ways in which deploying a customize approach to continuous improvement in the warehouse leads to higher productivity, lower costs, and decreased turnover rates.
    Three key tips we like from Lean Warehousing – Respecting Excellence:

    • Warehouse management needs to change behavior to change thinking
    • Lean warehousing includes a variety of elements, including collaboration, inventory reduction, visibility, and gaining the highest customer value at the lowest total cost, among others
    • Organizations must be able to identify their key performance drivers in the warehouse in order to make improvements

    18. How Mobile Printing Can Help Improve Warehouse Operations

    Datex marketing coordinator Angela Carver examines the benefits of using mobile printers in warehouse facilities in this warehouse management slide deck. As Carver points out, mobile printers are becoming a widely used technology because they play a part in eliminating operator errors and associated costs.
    Three key tips we like from How Mobile Printing Can Help Improve Warehouse Operations:

    • Mobile printers can produce labels to attach to inventory and become especially efficient when paired with barcoding systems
    • Mobile printing requires 1/4 the time that fixed printers require
    • Mobile printers can print inventory barcodes when received onto the dock and print shipping labels with cross dock information, which helps to increase the accuracy of fast-moving items

    19. Do You Have a “Strategy for Speed?” Start by Conquering the “10 Plus Wastes”

    Flevy is the marketplace for premium business documents. In this warehouse management slide deck, contributor Howard Coleman explores techniques for maximizing existing space or new space to bring labor efficiency to a new level and highlights the 10 most common wastes in distribution centers and warehouses.
    Three key tips we like from Do You Have a “Strategy for Speed?” Start by Conquering the “10 Plus Wastes”:

    • Identifying and eliminating the most common wastes leads to performance improvement
    • When considering layout, do not overlook production location, and vertical and horizontal use of space
    • Implement a high velocity pick zone to reduce picker walking time and increase picker productivity

    20. Power of Voice Study: Value of Voice-Directed Warehousing

    Supply Chain Insights, a research and advisory firm, engages clients to improve supply chain performance and helps companies be more agile and profitable. Their Power of Voice Study slide deck examines voice-directed warehousing as a potential solution for optimizing customer service requirements while keeping labor costs at a minimum.
    Three key points we like from Power of Voice Study: Value of Voice-Directed Warehousing:

    • Voice users also implement barcode scanning and advanced automation more often than non-users
    • Voice users are more satisfied with warehouse operations than non-users
    • Voice-directed warehousing is most often used in picking/selecting, replenishment, put away, and inventory (cycle counting/full counts)

    21. Determining the Right Lift Truck Navigation System For Your Very Narrow Aisle (VNA) Warehouse

    Toyota Equipment shares this Jungheinrich warehouse management slide deck that features some innovative ways to meet growing demands, increase productivity, improve picking accuracy, and drive down costs. Choosing the right lift truck navigation system is an important factor in making warehouse improvements, and the slide deck specifically offers tips for for warehouses with very narrow aisles.
    Three key points we like from Determining the Right Lift Truck Navigation System for Your Very Narrow Aisle (VNA) Warehouse:

    • Warehouse managers have three lift truck navigation options for reaching warehouse destinations: manual systems, fully-automated selections, and hybrid or flexible alternatives
    • 2-D barcode tracking systems are suitable for wide aisle and VNA applications
    • New advances in lift truck technology deliver new solutions for warehouse managers and offer new opportunities for warehouse efficiency and productivity

    22. 7 Ways to Improve Warehouse Efficiency

    Storee Construction Co. has been providing high-quality industrial and commercial construction since 1966. Their warehouse management slide deck presents seven ways to improve warehouse efficiency and focuses on organization.
    Three key tips we like from 7 Ways to Improve Warehouse Efficiency:

    • Put a maintenance plan in place to prevent downtime; incorporate a schedule for routine care and equipment tune-up
    • Assess warehouse layout effectiveness and inventory management systems
    • Increase inventory accuracy with cycle counts

    23. Sorters – A Possibility to Reach Higher Efficiency In Your Warehouse

    Equinox MHE is a system integrator that helps customers optimize their logistics flow with turnkey custom-fit sorting solutions and custom-fit software and controls. This slide deck is from a presentation on improving warehouse efficiency that was delivered by Equinox product development manager Peter Voet at the Logistics and Transport Forum Conference.
    Three key tips we like from Sorters – A Possibility to Reach Higher Efficiency in Your Warehouse:

    • Sorters are a solution for improving efficiency for low-speed, medium-speed, and high-speed applications
    • Consider automating packing lines and labeling lines to increase productivity
    • Hybrid solutions that combine mini load and sorter solutions are smart alternatives for improving warehouse productivity

    24. Logistics & Order Fulfillment Strategy

    In Logistics & Order Fulfillment Strategy, SAP senior solution expert Avi Shacham explores how to transform supply chain and logistics into demand networks. This presentation highlights planning, accessibility, and fulfilling to please consumers.
    Three key points we like from Logistics & Order Fulfillment Strategy:

    • The shift to customer centricity has resulted in 45% of enterprises implementing direct-to-customer fulfillment capabilities
    • Speed to fulfill individualized customer demand requires the Internet of Things; in fact, 87% of supply chain officers consider Internet of Things as important technology
    • Technology solutions are connecting company strategy with customer and product strategy so that organizations can plan, respond, and deliver

    25. How to Manage Your Inventory System with Barcode Scanner

    Insight Stock is a flexible web-based inventory management software solution that allows organizations to take control of their stock movements through their business processes. Presented by Simon Burgess, Insight Stock’s slide deck on inventory barcode scanning explains that barcode scanning improves warehouse accuracy, efficiency, and productivity when the barcode scanner is matched to barcode labels and inventory needs.
    Three key tips we like from How to Manage Your Inventory System with Barcode Scanner:

    • Ensure that your barcode scanners can read barcodes quickly and feed the inventory information to a single database
    • Organizations should determine whether linear barcodes or 2D barcodes are better suited to their needs
    • Consider using 2D asset tags and barcodes that are automatically serialized to simplify tracking

    26. Lean Logistics & Warehousing

    Manufacturing Advocacy & Growth Network (MAGNET), the NIST Manufacturing Extension Partnership affiliate for northern Ohio, supports and champions manufacturers in the region. Cody White’s MAGNET slide deck is from a workshop presentation on lean tools and insights for removing waste from warehouses to reduce costs, improve service, and increase efficient, effective logistics and warehousing.
    Three key tips we like from Lean Logistics & Warehousing:

    • The focus for lean manufacturing should be on standardization, inventory performance, logistics cost reduction, variance reduction, reducing waste caused by non-value added activities, and speed and cycle time
    • Determine which activities add only cost and which add value
    • Adopt the principles of lean fulfillment streams, such as eliminating all waste, reducing lead time, creating level flow, collaborating and using process discipline, and focusing on total cost of fulfillment

    27. Applying Lean Concepts in a Warehouse Operation

    Advent Design Corporation is an award-winning company that provides businesses with custom engineering solutions. Their slide deck, Applying Lean Concepts in a Warehouse Operation, is a presentation by Advent Design partner Frank Garcia. The presentation covers lean concepts in warehouse improvement, using value stream maps, and implementing process improvements.
    Three key tips we like from Applying Lean Concepts in a Warehouse Operation:

    • To use lean techniques for warehouse improvement, executives should involve operators and supervisors
    • Rely on value stream maps and plan to implement lean improvements
    • It is critical to train team members in the use of lean concepts and to conduct long-term planning

    28. Lean Warehouse

    Zensar Technologies is a transformation partner for global corporations that is ranked as a top 13 IT services company by Nasscom. Lean Warehouse is their warehouse management white paper, presented as a slide deck, to help organizations gain a better understanding of incorporating lean warehousing principles and analyzing critical key performance indicators (KPIs).
    Three key points we like from Lean Warehouse:

    • Customized lean warehousing solutions that include inbound logistics, outbound logistics, mobile device integration, and labor management often help streamline warehouse management and reduce implementation time
    • Efficient warehouses improve operations margins by reducing raw material inventory and finished goods inventory and by eliminating obsolete inventory
    • Lean warehouse solutions have the capability of reducing inventories by 20%, implementation time by 25%, and inventory write-offs by 10%

    29. Applying Lean Principles in Warehouse Operations

    Silver Lining Storage Solutions specializes in high quality, value-driven, tailored solutions for various industry verticals. Their warehouse management presentation outlines lean principles for warehousing and guides viewers through transforming into a lean warehouse.
    Three key tips we like from Applying Lean Principles in Warehouse Operations:

    • Lean warehouses require foresight, preparation, documentation, analysis, appropriate strategy, and continuous improvements
    • Material storage and handling is crucial to warehouse operations, and inefficient methods should be replaced by throughput-oriented, efficient facilities
    • Ensure an efficient warehouse storage layout with fast-moving products in the front and slow ones in the back

    30. Lean Warehouse Optimization

    Melinda Hollingshed, engineering instructor at Mercer University, helps organizations improve business processes. A lean manufacturing expert who specializes in technical writing, Hollingshed presents her insights concerning lean warehousing in Lean Warehouse Optimization, a case study for Lean Training Resources.
    Three key points we like from Lean Warehouse Optimization:

    • Lean layout techniques benefit warehouse management in several ways, including reducing monthly labor costs, improving on-time shipments, increasing outbound pallets per hour, and reducing customer complaints
    • Focus on reducing the amount of travel required to pick and stage customer orders
    • Store products that frequently are ordered together within the same area of the warehouse

    31. A Quick Guide to Warehouse Location Labelling by Peoplevox

    In this warehouse management slide deck, Peoplevox founder and CEO Jonathan Bellwood presents a quick guide to location labelling. The presentation introduces and links to the complete guide, which is a useful resource for any eCommerce organization that is in the process of implementing a warehouse management system.
    Three key tips we like from A Quick Guide to Warehouse Location Labelling by PeopleVox:

    • Label locations in a way that is logical for new warehouse workers to understand in a short amount of time, easy to scale as you grow, simple to alter as you change storage equipment, and easy to set up
    • Remember that operators do not put away items in a perfectly sorted way, so your system must allow for gaps and give them guidelines to follow
    • Determine whether having one product per location does or does not meet your warehousing needs

    32. How Voice, Scanning, and Automation Can Work Together to Reduce Costs and Improve Service

    Lucas Systems is a leading provider of solutions that transform distribution operations and provide for intelligent mobile work execution. Their warehouse management presentation explores the need for new approaches to fulfillment center operations and highlights two case studies on mobile applications and warehouse automation solving shop-floor challenges without altering back-end systems.
    Three key tips we like from How Voice, Scanning and Automation Can Work Together to Reduce and Improve Service:

    • New work execution systems are required to integrate worker mobility and process automation
    • Warehouse executives should consider whether existing WMS systems are adequate, or whether they need a voice-enablement solution, a WMS upgrade, or a solution that provides multi-modal user process along with process optimization and management tools to extend WMS capabilities
    • Warehouse executives also should consider whether mobile worker technology would supplement and complement automation systems for increasing productivity and efficiency

    33. A Guide to Warehouse Planning

    PD Industrial are experts in supplying, installing, and inspecting warehouse and retail pallet racking and shelving. Their warehouse management slide deck, A Guide to Warehouse Planning, shows viewers how to make the most of their warehouse space, which equipment to use, and how to ensure health and safety in the facility.
    Three key tips we like from A Guide to Warehouse Planning:

    • Warehouse planning must involve considering efficiency and health and safety
    • Ensure your warehouse has enough space for employees to move around and consider machinery that will be used
    • Use the full height of your warehouse to optimize square footage

    34. Warehouse Key Performance Indicators

    With their library of business frameworks and analysis tools, Flevy provides a shortcut to immediate business value for organizations. In this warehouse management slide deck, Flevy shares information on key performance indicators (KPIs) for warehouses and explores best practices in using them.
    Three key tips we like from Warehouse Key Performance Indicators:

    • Warehouse executives should use KPIs in comparison to competition and customers to improve revenue
    • Continually measure KPIs to determine the organization’s wellbeing
    • Warehouse KPIs should be tied directly to receiving, put away, storage, picking and packing, and shipping

    35. The “Dos and Don’ts” of Warehouse Developments and Moves

    Hatmill is a management consultancy of supply chain and logistics advisors that help organizations address their challenges. Their warehouse management presentation, written by Hatmill managing director Simon Dixon is available in the form of a white paper on Slide Share to guide viewers who are considering embarking on a warehouse move.
    Three key tips we like from The “Dos and Don’ts” of Warehouse Developments and Moves:

    • Moving to a new warehouse requires detailed planning and strong controls and involves a range of stakeholders
    • Begin with business requirements and know how much space you need now and in the future
    • Consider how the building will work by walking through processes and tasks people will undertake

    36. 7 Ways to Organize Your Warehouse for Better Productivity

    WPSS is a trusted supplier and advisor to some of the world’s largest corporations. Their presentation on seven of the best ways to maximize time and space in the warehouse offers tips for warehouse managers looking to increase productivity.
    Three key tips we like from 7 Ways to Organize Your Warehouse for Better Productivity:

    • Color-coding is an organization technique that increases speed and productivity by allowing employees to find items more quickly
    • Keep the most-sold items in easily accessible areas, such as in the very front of the warehouse and in shallow shelves
    • Keep all equipment, such as forklifts, in one area to make your warehouse safer, more productive, and professional looking

    37. Risks Associated with Warehouse Design and Process Flow

    The Transport Forum provides a platform for discussing all issues that are relevant to transport. They share a presentation on understanding the impact of warehouse design and the risks associated with it and process flow; the presentation was made by made by Iain Sherwood at a Transport Forum special interest group.
    Three key tips we like from Risks Associated with Warehouse Design and Process Flow:

    • Customers select a facility based on its location, customer service, and operating costs
    • When selecting a warehouse location, keep in mind that the correct positioning of a facility impacts costs and customer service levels
    • To begin warehouse design, collect operations data, model actual facility throughput, project inventory levels, and determine the pick faces that are needed to handle the inventory you need to contain

    38. Automated Data Collection & WMS: Empowering Your Operation with Real Time Accurate Information

    Datex understands software solutions for the warehousing industry, and they share insights into the benefits of implementing a wider variety of technologies to improve operational efficiency, reduce costs, increase data availability, and optimize labor productivity in this warehouse management slide deck. As Datex marketing coordinator Angela Carver points out, having the technology is not enough; organizations must integrate their technologies so they can perform as one effective network.
    Three key tips we like from Automated Data Collection & WMS: Empowering Your Operation with Real Time Accurate Information:

    • Putting a single vendor in charge of all of the automated data collection network components reduces the amount of touches and communication required to manage and update your network
    • Your warehouse management system (WMS) must track movement of product within the facility, handle inventory and order management, perform customer communication, and include task planning if it will efficiently assist your automated data collection network
    • Automated data collection may include barcode labels, voice technology, vehicle-mounted computers, handheld and mobile computers to scan barcodes and capture data, and mounted barcode scanners and automated retrieval systems

    39. Warehouse Operations Training Session

    Omar Youssef is a consultant at MENA Consulting Group. His warehouse management slide deck shares tips for managing and running warehouse operations and focuses on nine warehouse goals, such as maximizing effective use of space, maximizing effective use of equipment, and maximizing effective use of labor.
    Three key tips we like from Warehouse Operations Training Session:

    • Picking is time consuming, so ensure that your pickers are not spending too much time traveling and searching for items
    • Determine whether automated picking or manual picking is best for your warehouse needs and company goals
    • If you have a cold storage facility, keep in mind that good ventilation provides clean air at the required temperature and humidity

    40. Operational Agility

    Dematic Reddwerks delivers warehouse execution software that is powered by Distribution Science. In Operational Agility, Dematic Reddwerks explores how warehouse executives leverage software to optimize existing facility assets, synchronize data, and align the DC automation islands.
    Three key points we like from Operational Agility:

    • Warehouse execution software solves omni-channel order fulfillment demands
    • Omni-channel just be a full, client-driven experience that revolves around providing products to customers when, where, and how they want them
    • There is a good chance that the lack of agility in traditional warehouse management systems harms your bottom line

    41. 5 Things You Should Know About Cost to Serve in Your Warehouse

    Easy Metrics is a cloud-based business intelligence application that provides visibility into labor costs and helps companies optimize large, controllable expenses. In 5 Things You Should Know About Cost to Serve in Your Warehouse, Easy Metrics offers tips for controlling warehouse labor costs by knowing cost to serve and capturing 100% of labor spend to make management decisions based on current and constantly updated information.
    Three key tips we like from 5 Things You Should Know About Cost to Serve in Your Warehouse:

    • You should have complete visibility on profit and loss in regards to customers, products, processes, and employees
    • When margins on a customer are negative, increasing volume actually increases losses
    • If you let your least profitable customers go, you reduce workload and improve your bottom line

    42. Warehouse Operations and Management

    Andrea Payaro, vice president of SCM Academy, shares a comprehensive warehouse management presentation on the warehouse process in this slide deck. The focus is to help managers organize their warehouses in terms of people, material, and infrastructure and highlights common mistakes and risks in the industry.
    Three key tips we like from Warehouse Operations and Management:

    • A warehouse system should incorporate people, information technology and automation, and infrastructure and equipment
    • Conduct touch analysis to determine whether the number of touches is high, because it is then likely that the costs are high and the number of mistakes or damages is high
    • Consider cross docking if the item cannot be shipped directly

    43. Warehouse Management Benefits for the eCommerce Industry

    A partner in technology, Net@Work presents Warehouse Management Benefits for the eCommerce Industry. This slide deck is from a live webinar featuring HighJump solution consultant Chris Barnes and Net@Work senior solutions engineer Sean Fleming; the presentation explores how dynamic WMS capabilities help companies grow their eCommerce components and drive operations.
    Three key tips we like from Warehouse Management Benefits for the eCommerce Industry:

    • Flexible picking is a must, as 75% of orders are five or fewer lines today
    • To optimize pick design, keep pickers picking instead of waiting, keep them picking instead of doing non-pick tasks, and keep product touches and travel to a minimum
    • In terms of cluster picking, it is important to balance travel reduction with handling efficiency

    44. 5 Principles of Effective Warehouse Management

    Kerridge Commercial Systems provides insights for businesses within the distribution trades. Their slide deck highlights five principles of effective warehouse management and details how poor management affects sales and profits.
    Three key tips we like from 5 Principles of Effective Warehouse Management:

    • Keep optimum stock levels and consider implementing a WMS to make it easier to do so
    • Enhance your warehouse management practices in order to process sales orders quickly
    • Tightly control storage and movement of stock in order to have accurate records of stock levels and correctly fulfill orders

    45. Warehouse Design and Appropriate Automation

    Vanderlande provides automated material handling systems and warehouse automation. In his warehouse automation presentation originally delivered at the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (CILT) Seminar, Vanderlande business development manager Noel Blake discusses when and how to introduce automation to a warehouse or distribution center.
    Three key points we like from Warehouse Design and Appropriate Automation:

    • Warehouse design is crucial because 80% of warehouse building costs are in the floor and roof, and more than 60% of warehouse operating costs are due to order picking
    • Warehouse automation drivers include increasingly high customer service levels, difficulty in attracting and retaining qualified staff, scarcity of affordable warehouse space, pressure to reduce operational costs, and increasing health, safety, and ergonomics regulations
    • The main reasons to adopt warehouse automation are growth, cost, and service

    46. Advantages of Multi-Level Warehouse Picking Systems

    Western Pacific Storage Solutions (WPSS) offers engineered industrial shelving systems and work platforms and maintains superior quality. They share some of the benefits of multi-level warehouse picking systems in this warehouse management slide deck.
    Three key tips we like from Advantages of Multi-Level Warehouse Picking Systems:

    • Use multi-level systems for pallet storage and moving a high volume of merchandise quickly
    • Consider two- or three-tier reserve storage to allow for an abundance of merchandise to be stored nearby
    • A horseshoe configuration is extremely efficient because fast-moving items can be stored at various points along the main picking aisle and restocking occurs from the center aisle without inhibiting the flow of order-picking in front

    47. Lean Inventory Management: Using Lean Initiatives to Manage Inventory

    Flevy is working to become a comprehensive knowledge base of premium business documents. Their Lean Inventory Management: Using Lean Initiatives to Manage Inventory slide deck explores the warehouse management trend of adopting lean techniques to build flexible and collaborative inventory.
    Three key points we like from Lean Inventory Management: Using Lean Initiatives to Manage Inventory:

    • Lean supply chain and inventory management enable small and medium businesses to improve efficiency and increase profits
    • Lean inventory management techniques are built upon value, flow, pull, responsiveness, and perfection
    • Lean inventory management practices reduces SKU counts and inventory levels, increases use of standards in processes and materials, improves collaboration, and results in a general reduction in costs of good sold

    48. How to Improve Labor Productivity in the Warehouse

    Datex is a leading developer of software solutions for warehousing, and they understand the need for warehouse management professionals to improve productivity in their facilities. In this slide deck, Datex marketing coordinator Angela Carver examines how reducing costs while increasing customer satisfaction via improved labor productivity leads to success for warehouse management.
    Three key tips we like from How to Improve Labor Productivity in the Warehouse:

    • There are six steps for developing effective labor standards for warehouses, and they include analyzing, establishing accountability, communicating, monitoring productivity, getting support from a WMS, and initiating management team buy-in
    • Determine labor standards to more easily make decisions regarding changes to the warehouse, loading dock, shipping dock, and facility staffing
    • Perform effective warehouse assessments by conducting walkthroughs, gathering performance metrics, speaking with staff, making use of internal data, and benchmarking

    49. Benefits of a Warehouse Management System

    Core Warehouse offers world-class warehouse management systems for distributors, 3PL, and food storage. Their warehouse management slide deck explores the benefits of adopting a warehouse management system.
    Three key points we like from Benefits of a Warehouse Management System:

    • Implementing a WMS improves traceability, as it makes it easier to keep track of inventory and locate products in real time
    • A proper WMS improves accuracy by enabling managers to view inventory movement and double check shipment accuracy and order fulfillment accuracy
    • Warehouse operations that incorporate a WMS are more productive and have an increased ability to meet customer requirements

    50. Metrics Suck… Converting the Warehouse from a Cost Center to Profit Center

    Integrated Systems Design (ISD) helps organizations optimize their warehouse, distribution, and manufacturing operations for cost-effective lean operations. Their warehouse management slide deck is from a presentation by Robert Jones at ProMat on the need to convert warehouses into profit centers.
    Three key points we like from Metrics Suck… Converting the Warehouse from a Cost Center to Profit Center:

    • Operate under the assumption that your competition is more automated, lean, and aggressive than you are
    • Reengineer your facility to increase throughput while reducing labor and space
    • Warehouses can make a profit if you use customized documents, offers, and promotion to generate revenue and keep five key metrics (order accuracy, inventory accuracy, cost per line processed, order fill rate, and out the door service level) in mind

    Table of Contents

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